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Code of Conduct

This document sets the code of conduct expected of all members of UWDMA and adherence to this Code is a condition of membership. As the main professional body for the sector, UWDMA has an essential role to play in continuously raising standards within the industry. Our Code of Conduct sets out a clear framework of values and principles that members are expected to observe. It applies to all members, irrespective of their membership type, the role they fulfil, or the jurisdiction in which they live or work.

uPVC Windows and Doors Manufacturers Association (UWDMA) members are expected to adopt the highest standards of dignity, fairness and integrity. No member shall act in a manner detrimental to the interests of the public, their employer or UWDMA. In performing their duties, no member shall transgress any laws. It is incumbent on members of UWDMA to abide by this Code.

Members of UWDMA will:

  • Support the UWDMA’s work to advance the professional standards of association management.
  • Serve their associations with loyalty and respect for confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest and activities for personal advantage to the detriment of their associations or their members.
  • Bring to the attention of their associations’ governing boards potential decisions or actions that they identify as unethical or illegal and inform their boards of the possible results of such decisions or actions.
  • Serve all members of their associations with impartiality, providing no particular benefits to any member, and accepting no personal compensation from a member without the prior knowledge and approval of their association’s governing board.
  • Ensure, to the best of their abilities, that interactions between employees, suppliers, clients and volunteers are fair, free of discrimination and harassment.
  • Engage in lasting professional development to further their competence as association managers.
  • Commit to engage a minimum of 8 hours in a week towards UWDMA activities
  • Use UWDMA Logo on their website and Marketing collaterals, as suitable.
  • Attend all Events/ Programs/ Seminars/ Meetings etc to contribute their ideas and involvement in projects.
  • Encourage all their Patrons to join UWDMA to strengthen the Association in its pursuit to bring uPVC to the fore.

The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to bolster public confidence in the integrity and professional standards of association executives. This Code of Conduct is a guideline and does not represent the entire scope of good conduct and ethical behaviour.

To achieve its purpose, UWDMAwill: 1. Drive product conformity and compliance 2. Provide advice and support to members 3. Facilitate technical capability and knowledge 4. Develop relevant skill-sets through training 5. Influence industry and product sustainability 6. Advocate to government and regulators 7. Promote to members, stakeholders, the community and consumers 8. Finance the achievement of the mission 9. Ensure good governance of the association 10. Retain and grow membership
Technical Skills
  • Provide products and services that comply with or exceed the minimum performance requirements of the relevant Industry Standards.
  • Continue to develop professional knowledge and technical skills.
  • Undertake only activities they are competent to perform and, when in doubt, obtain appropriate advice and assistance that will allow these activities to be competently carried out.
  • State qualifications, experience and prior responsibilities accurately.
Public Responsibility
  • Provide access for customers to a complaints handling procedure.
  • Ensure that actions and general conduct help maintain the prestige of window related activities.
  • Provide the community with information that will assist it in formulating policies and making
  • decisions on matters affecting window related activities.
  • Ensure that advice and directions provided give full and proper cognizance of window requirements
  • Maintain a high standard of integrity and apply honesty and fair dealing in all aspects of their operations.
  • Carry out their professional duties with care and diligence.
  • Conduct themselves in a manner which is neither derogatory to their colleagues, nor likely to lessen the confidence of the public in window related activities or the Code of Conduct for window related activities.
Societal & Environmental
  • Seek opportunities to be of service to their community in matters relating to the window industry and local sponsorship to develop a positive community profile.
  • Ensure work practices consider the health and well being of their staff, customers and the general public to increase satisfaction and staff retention.


  • The Code is not intended to be audited. However, serious breaches of the Code can lead to the triggering of investigation by UWDMA and disciplinary action.

Complaints handling

  • UWDMA will recommend methods of recording, investigation and resolution of complaints by the Membership but not prescribe any specific systems.
  • UWDMA will use current complaints handling systems to record, investigate, educate, help resolve, communicate and if required discipline Members.
Disciplinary Action
  • UWDMA will take all reasonable steps to influence the member in breach of its obligation under the Code of Conduct to comply.
  • In the event that a member still fails to comply, UWDMA will terminate Membership


  • In the event that a member wishes to appeal disciplinary measures proposed by UWDMA secretariat management, the UWDMA Board of Directors can appoint a group of specialists to review the issue.
  • The decision of that group is to be considered final.
  • All statutory requirements will take precedence over any conflict with the Code of Conduct.
  • The Code of Conduct is not intended to be a complete guide for the safe conduct of activities.
  • No warranty will be made by UWDMA as to the accuracy and reliability of opinions or recommendations provided.
  • UWDMA takes no responsibility, as far as the law permits, for any direct or indirect loss suffered by any organisation as a result of how the Code of Conduct is managed.