Specify uPVC Doors and Windows

uPVC profiles

The profiles must conform to EN 12608:2003 severe climatic condition and their class must be specified by the manufacturer clearly printed on the profile so that the customer can identify the brand/ original manufacturer and the standard followed. UWDMA through Bureau of Indian Standards is working on a standard for the Indian market based on the EN 12608 with certain parameters adapted to suit the Indian climatic conditions and test ability.

uPVC windows and doors

In the absence of Indian standards for uPVC windows and doors, UWDMA has made a draft specification universally accepted by all industry leaders and practiced by them. Some of the international standards prevalent today in the market for uPVC windows and doors are:

  • BS EN 7412:2007 - specification for windows and doorsets made from un plasticized polyvinyl chloride extruded hollow profiles.
  • BS EN 6375-3-2009+ A1:2003 - Performance of windows and doors part 3. Classification for additional performance characteristics and guidance on selection and specification
  • BS EN 12207:2000 - Windows and Doors - Air Permeability Classification
  • BS EN 12208:2000 - Windows and Doors - Water Tightness Classification
  • BS EN 12210-1999 - Windows and Doors - Resistance to Wind load classification
  • IS 875 Part -3 : 1987 – Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures – Part 3 Wind Loads


Glass forms one of the most important part of the window and contributes maximum towards light and heat ingress throught it. As lot of pioneering work has been done by the Glass industry we recommend the following guidelines to be followed for the same:

  • IS 16231 Part 4 : Use of Glass in Buildings – Code of Practice Part 4 Safety related to Human Impact.
  • Guidelines on safety glass by Federation of Safety Glass - http://fosg.in/quality-standards/

International suppliers are requested to study the above guidelines as they are currently being practised by leading Indian glass processors.