Lift & Slide Workshop at Gurugram
14th June, 2024
This June, in association with Encraft as the Profile Partner, DNV as Hardware Partner, Trutek as Fastener Partner , EVA as Software Partner and HP Adhesives as Sealant Partner , UWDMA organised a workshop on Lift & Slide hardware fitment and installation in Gurugam, Haryana.
Lift and Slide door is an exceptional product especially when it comes to very large openings . Unfortunately it is not so popular till now . Neither the industry and nor the users know much about them . Because of which 95% of the existing technicians in the industry still do not know the correct process of lift and slide hardware fixing and installing .
With this intent UWDMA organized this workshop where step-by-step process of Lift & Slide hardware fixing and installation was covered and shown live on a big screen to make all the steps clearly visible to the audience .
Team DNV and Encraft showcased the entire process for hardware fixing and correct way to install a uPVC slide and fold door into the wall cavity.
UWDMA thanks team Encraft , DNV Hardware, Trutek Fasteners ,EVA software & HP Adhesives for their complete support in the planning and execution of this phenomenal workshop.