UWDMA’S Cost Evaluation Software
17th July, 2024
This 17th of July, UWDMA launched its COST EVALUATION SOFTWARE, a simple tool to calculate all the hidden costs that window manufacturers often forget to see and as a result, end up making a loss. A webinar was conducted online for the launch and the demo.
The idea originated in the year 2017 when UWDMA organized regional conferences on THE COST FACTOR in 8 cities in India and then in 2020 had a webinar on the same subject. UWDMA developed this software to implement this idea into a practical tool that can be used by the industry to know their actual costs and take necessary action accordingly hence saving them from making losses.
THE COST EVALUATION SOFTWARE is now available on UWDMA’s website. As UWDMA’s sole purpose is to serve the uPVC Window & Door Industry, we have made this software free for users.
This software is not at all a replacement for the existing quotation-making software. It’s just a supporting tool.
The software could be downloaded from this link : https://www.uwdmaindia.org/downloads/